Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Win Over $3000 in Cash and Prizes

Entrecard is showing another beautiful advantage. Because it also works as a social network I just received a notice about a nice birthday celebration. Life is Colourful is having his 1st Anniversaryparty and is giving away a lot of nice prices. A total of $3000 and 6000 entrecard credits will begiven away. Here are the details of this beautiful contest:

Colourful Blog Anniversary Contest - Win Over $3000 in Cash and Prizes
Blogging Tools & Products, Webmaster Resources, Memberships

- A product to help you making money: Super Affiliate Blogger and Wordpress Adsense Theme by Easywordpress ($194 value - 2 x $97)
- Two-year subscription to GoStats Pro [One of the web’s leading traffic stats providers] by GoStats ($180 value - 2 x $90)
- Five One-Year VIP Memberships to CreateBanner.com by Xavier Media ($175 value - 5 x $35)
- 100,000 [One hundred thousand] Tnx points by Tnx.net ($125 value)
- Two One-Hour Consultation Sessions by TheUniversiryKid ($100 value - 2 x $50)
- "Building An Internet Business From Scratch - Making $1,000 After 24 Hours" DVD by Marcus Hochstadt ($100 value)
- Two copies of Direct Response Templates for Salesletters and Salesstickies by Carl "Kidblogger" ($74 - 2 x $37)
- Two Copies of "TO DO List Software" by Fruitfultime ($60 value - 2 x $30)
- One 30 minutes of blog consultation by The Net Fool ($40 value)
- Blog Bundle Pack 2 [Specially designed for Bloggers] by 1 Cool File ($20 value)

Cash Prizes

- $30 cash prize by Capitalist Guide ($30 value)
- $25 cash prize by Autoline Reviews ($25 value)
- $25 cash prize by Health and Fitness Center ($25 value)
- $20 cash prize by Leisa Watkins ($20 value)
- $20 cash prize by Travel Tips ($20 value)
- $20 cash prize by New Homes Section ($20 value)
- $20 cash prize by Social Networking Sites ($20 value)
- $20 cash prize by Quality Vista ($20 value)

All prizes shall be given through Paypal

Books and eBooks

- Three copies of "Work Smart, Get Rich!" eBook Donated by The Net Fool ($45 value - 3 x $15)
- Autographed Copy of "The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth" book by Leisa Watkins

Each participant of this contest will get dollar eBook from TheUniversiryKid along with his consultation time.

Advertising Space

- Four 3-months textlink at Life is Colourful ($360 value - 4 x $90)
- Four 3-months textlink at Finance Blog ($180 value - 4 x $45)
- One Greenland Country Ad Space at Buy a Nation ($125 value)
- Full Set of Advertising Space by Roman Dock ($125 value)
Two 125 x 125 ($20 value - 2 x $10)
Three 468x60 ($30 value - 3 x $10)
Five Textlinks ($50 value - 5 x $10)
One Full Review ($25 value)
- Four 3-months 125 x 125 banner slots at Article Rewrite ($120 value)
- Ten Featured Links at Piggy Web Directory ($100 value)
- Ten Textlinks worth $10 bid each at BYDY Link Bid Directory ($100 value)
- Four Express Link Submissions Forever at Mad Mouse Directory ($51.80 value - 4 x $12.95)
- Two Featured Link Submissions for One year at Mad Mouse Directory ($49.90 value - 2 x $24.95)
- One 125 x 125 at Winning the Web by Gyutae Park ($50 value)
- One Full Blog Review at Life is Colourful ($50 value)
- Five Featured Links at Directories.bz ($50 value) * These apply to directory submissions only, Flippable.
- Three Featured Links for Six Months at Massive Net Links Directory ($30 value)
- Three Featured Links for Six Months at Internet Stromer Directory ($30 value)
- Three Featured Links for Six Months at Internet Ahead Directory ($30 value)
- One 125 x 125 at Blogging Fingers ($30 value)
- One 125 x 125 at New Homes Section ($30 value)
- One 125 x 125 at Sueblimely ($30 value)
- One 125 x 125 at Life is Colourful ($30 value)
- One Full Blog Review at Finance Blog ($30 value) * These apply to Finance service reviews, Flippable.
- One 125 x 125 at Dot Com Mogul ($25 value)
- Two 125 x 125 at Vincent ($20 value)
- One Full Blog Review at Lightnings Blog World (value $20)
- One 125 x 125 at The WWW Blog ($15 value)

Entrecard Credits

- 2500 Entrecard Credits by Life is Colourful
- 2000 Entrecard Credits by Sueblimely
- 1000 Entrecard Credits by Lightning Blog World
- 500 Entrecard Credits by Vincent

Total: 6,000
It's over 50 seperate prices so there should be something for everyone...Well actually everyonewho enters the contest is getting a free ebook ;-)

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Sunday, June 8, 2008


I finally joined Entrecard...I cause you don't know what Entrecard is here is a quick sum up.
Entrecard is your business card on the web. You can drop your card on other blogs to let them know you are around. Everytime you drop a card or someone drops a card at your blog you receive entrecard credits.
You can use this credits to buy ad space at other blogs. This is a simple and cheap way to get advertised on big and well known blogs. Even the famous Johnchow still has the Entrecard widget on his blog. So if you collect (or buy) enough credits you may even buy a little space on his blog.
On the other hand you can of course earn credits yourself by showing ads from other users. That is a good and simple way to swap traffic with blogs about similar topics. The amount of credits you collect for showing anothers logo depends on the number of people who want to advertise on your site. If 3 people are in the waiting list for your blog it costs them 2*2*2 = 8 credits to buy this spot.
1000 credits are currently traded for $ 3-4 on ebay. So that is already money in the bank if you don't want to advertise on other sites. But for small blogs in think it is best to reinvest your credits and buy some advertisment on a blog with the same topic and alot of traffic.
My next step is to design a nice logo which gets more attention then the standard design provided by Entrecard. Feel free to drop me your card and i'll have a look at your site ;-)

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