In started investing into Peer to Peer (P2P) credits. So you give your money to a website and they arrange small loans to other people who pay you back with interest.
I'm currently investing in two sites:
In Mintos i'm invested for 15 months now and my average return is at 10% pa. But there is currently some money which maybe lost because the bank handling the credits defaulted. Nevertheless I still will have a return of at least 6% pa on those investments.
Bondora i just started last month. I used the Go & Grow option there which means they select the credits and I don't have to do anything. It's basically a savings account paying 6.75% per year. But you can access the money within a day or so. If you signup for Bondora they'll give a 5€ starting bonus to begin with.I'll keep you updated on how this performs over the next year.