Monday, October 6, 2014

Getting Bitcoins for free

There are a couple of sites giving away bitcoins or more like fractions of bitcoins (called satoshi) for free. Most of them give away around 200 satoshi per hour. So if you farm all those sites you get about 19000 satoshi per hour.

Faucet Amount Wait Avg / h
Moon Bitcoin fills up 5 min 400
Bitcoin Zebra 100 - 1000 1 hour 300
Bitcoinker  100 - 300 15 min 800
Pink Tussy Bitcoins 250 - 25000 1 hour 300
Flying Faucet 100 - 10000 1 hour 200
Running Faucet 80 - 10000 3 hours 100
RTube 100 - 1000 1 hour 200
BIG Coin 100 - 1000 2 hours 100
Best BTC Faucet 30 - 3000 3 hours 50
Coin checkin 10 - 10000 5 min 250
Daily Free Bits  100 - 1200  1 hour 200
scratch4satoshis  225 - 50000 15 min 2000
BTC25 525 - 6951712 25 min 12000  100 - 5000 1 hours 200
YourFreeBTC 1000  1 hour 1000
FairyFaucet 200  5min - 1 hour 400
CROWSBTC 600 - 300000 50 min 1250
Spin the Wheel 50 - 50000 15 min 300
Rob Coins 125 - 1000 1 hour 300
BitcoinGenie 250 10 hours 25

You may also try the Ore Mine which is a game giving away Bitcoins but it seems to have high withdrawal fees.


Found maybe the best faucet so far:
scratch4satoshis  225 - 50000 15 min 2000 / h

Update 2:
Even better sounds the following site:
BTC25 525 - 6951712 25 min 12000 /h

Update 3:

As you can see most of this list is no longer available. Check out my updated list of BTC faucets

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Blogger said...

Are you tried of searching for bitcoin faucets?
Triple your claimed satoshis with this new BTC FAUCET ROTATOR.

Blogger said...

Earn free bitcoins from Moon Bitcoin. 290 sat. every 50 mins.